Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Alicia's Aquarium Journal - April 6

Today is a great day to go outdoors and see our walrus exhibit. Walruses are very social creatures and in the wild they are often found in packs of up to 100.
At our aquarium we have 3 walruses who keep each other company. Here is Sadie. Isn't she cute?
* A walrus swims at an average speed of 4.35 mph.
* The mustache of a walrus contains around 450 highly sensitive whiskers.
* Their whiskers help them find food, especially clams.
* Male walruses are almost double the weight of females, and can weigh 1.5 tons!
* Female walruses give birth to a single calf at a time.
* Calves are able to swim as soon as they are born. They live with their mother until 3 years of age.


  1. Spectacular work Alicia!! I love the information your provide and the illustrations are fabulous!!

  2. I'm having a lot of fun! Thanks, Celia!

  3. Cute is not a word I associate with walruses, but this guy is really CUTE!

  4. Great name for a Walrus!
    Lovely fake journal too!

  5. Great name for a Walrus!
    Lovely fake journal too!

  6. Ah, you are having fun with this. We may all get an education to boot. Thanks!!

  7. Sadie is awesome.. WOW 1.5 tons! Beautiful work :)

  8. Thanks, Mickey. Looks like he's a hit! lol

    Urban Rustic, thanks so much for visiting and commenting.

    Jo, these are fun to do. Thanks!

    Sheila, he's a big baby. Thanks.
